Trouve ta ressource is the result of three projects, coming together, to work collectively to improve the well being of Laval youth, 11 to 25 years old, by taking concerted action in health promotion and prevention.
With the collaboration of some thirty multi-sectorial partners, actions are put in place to :
The goal is to increase awareness of existing resources in Laval and encourage them to ask for assistance if needed.
These projects are made possible by the financial contribution of various funders, as well as more than thirty partners who combine their expertise in the implementation of a solid and evolving action plan. These partners come from the community, school, municipal and health and social services sectors.
In order to respond to the unanswered needs in Laval, partners from different sectors (Comité régional École Pivot (CREP), Table jeunesse du Marigot/Sainte-Rose) deploy As-tu mon numéro? / Got my info? and Mon ado au secondaire (transition to high school) respectively in 2007 and 2008. Allume-toi (cannabis awareness) is born and starts in 2019 thanks to the funding from the interministerial action plan on dependences (addictions) (PAID) 2018-2028. The organization, ALPABEM is trustee and operator of these three collective projects for youth.
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We maintain the bond of trust with our multisectoral partners and mobilize them to combine their expertise to collectively increase our capacity to act.
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We use creativity and proactivity to remain relevant, consistent and complementary.
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We rely on the quality of regional expertise based on best practices in prevention and promotion in order to contribute to the development of initiatives in our region.