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As a teen or young adult, you can be confronted by different situations. Its normal to have questions and to experience a multitude of emotions. There’s always a solution to deal with these obstacles. The key is to talk about it! If you don’t find the help you need in your circle, you can go to community organizations.

Trouve ta ressource offers several tools to help you, such as:

School, employment and volunteering

School, employment and volunteering (1 other) | 15-35 years old

Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Laval

Services in English
School, employment and volunteering | 14-30 years old


School, employment and volunteering | 6 years +


Services in English
School, employment and volunteering | 16 years +

Services Québec de Laval

School, employment and volunteering | 0-18 years old

Centre de services scolaire de Laval

School, employment and volunteering | 0 year +

Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier School Board

Services in English