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All about cannabis


June 30, 2022 Addictions

Psychosocial Workers

Cannabis is a drug such as alcohol and medicationThey are psychoactive substances that change your mood or behaviour. Whether they are legal (e.g. caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, etc.) or not (e.g. cocaine, heroin, etc.), using them carries health risks and can lead to addiction. 

4 responsible behaviours 

  1. Timing: cannabis alters the senses and decreases concentration and coordination. It should therefore be consumed after daily activities (e.g., after work or school). 
  2. Limit use: do not use regularly (e.g., several times a week) and in large quantities at once, as this can affect health and performance at school or work. 
  3. Opt for quality products: choose legal products with a low THC content (less than 10%) to reduce risks and side effects. 
  4. Be careful with mixtures: the combination of alcohol and cannabis multiplies the effect of both substances. Mixing can make you sick, dizzy, or vomit. 

Did you know? 

According to data from the Enquête sur le tabac, l’alcool, les drogues et le jeu chez les élèves du secondaire (ETADJES), fewer and fewer youth are using. High school students who have used cannabis have done so primarily to experiment (once, to try it) or use it occasionally (less than once a month or about once a month). 

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Source (in fench)
Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux