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Association Lavalloise pour la Déficience Intellectuelle et le trouble du spectre du l'Autisme – ALEDIA

Tel : 450 972-1010

73, boulevard Saint-Elzéar Ouest, Laval (Québec) H7M 1E7

See on Google Maps
Write to us
Services offered in English

Offers activities and counseling for individuals living with an intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorder

Their services

  • Food assistance
  • Summer camp
  • Day activities
  • Help, support, and accompaniment
  • Promotion of interests and rights
  • Supervised activities

Principal objectives

  • Promote the rights and interests of people affected and of their families
  • Identify the needs of people affected and of those who are responsible for them and to respond by offering specialized services
  • Gather and disseminate information relative to the nature of Autism, ASD, of Fragile X Syndrome and Tourette Syndrome
  • Initiate round tables with partnering organizations and to participate in them
  • Invite parents, professionals and public decision makers to reflect and to act in trying to attain the objectives of an action plan, and this through thematic committees;
  • Regional training with partners

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