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The “bad trip”


April 5, 2023 Addictions

Psychosocial Workers

The expression “bad trip” refers to a bad experience when using drugs. It can occur as soon as the product is taken (at the time of the “rise”) or several hours later (at the time of the “plateau,” before the “descent”). The "bad trip" can quickly turn into a nightmare. All drugs can cause a “bad trip.” 

4 things to do when it happens 

  1. Stay present and reassure the person who is having the bad trip 
  2. Turn off the music, bring calm and serenity 
  3. Stay secluded, relax, and wait for the bad experience to pass 
  4. If the person becomes aggressive, it is important to take them to the doctor or directly to the emergency room 

Did you know?

Physical and psychological well-being are important: if you feel tired, particularly sad, or unwell, it is not the right time to use drugs. You should also surround yourself with people you trust who will be able to manage the situation if it gets out of hand, by reassuring you, taking you to a safe place, and explaining what is going on. If it happens to one of your friends, change the environment by putting them in a calm place, explaining that they are under the effect of a drug, and that it will fade away... 

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