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To help to choose a career


October 6, 2021 School, Employment and Volunteering Limitations and Neurodiversity

Psychosocial Workers

It is important to make choices based on personal interests and not on the people around you. The development of skills is very enriching and allows you to solidify your career path.

Key Messages

"It's important to make choices based on our interests and not on the people around us. Meeting with a counsellor can speed up the process to help you find a career field or a job that suits you." - Rachel, employment counselor, Carrefour jeunesse emploi de Laval

"The vast majority of manual work also calls upon practical intelligence and allows you to develop your skills. The development of skills is very enriching and allows you to solidify your career path." - Noémie, psychosocial worker, Ferme jeunes au travail 

"The counsellors have the right tools to help you in your employment process according to your needs, your abilities and your interests. It is important to go and find the resources you need. - Vanessa, employment counsellor, L'ÉTAPE

Examples of questions during the animation

This web capsule, which can be viewed in different contexts, was created as a pedagogical tool to support professionals (psychosocial workers and teachers) in their awareness and prevention activities.

In fact, the web capsule was designed to interest and make young people think about their career choice. The discussions that will ensue will highlight the fact that no matter what young people are going through, there are a lot of resources in Laval that can help them throughout their lives.

Here are some examples of questions to ask after viewing the web capsule. You are free to use them or to draw inspiration from them during your presentation.

  • What do you remember about this video?
  • What surprised you the most in this video?
  • What do you think is important to consider in your career choice process?
  • In what ways can knowledge development be helpful in your career choice process?
  • How can you know that the career choice you make is the right one for you?
  • What can help you in your career choice process?
  • What do you do when you have difficulties or questions?
  • Who can you turn to when you have difficulties or questions?
  • What do you understand about the work of the people in this video?
  • Which organizations in Laval can help you in your career choice or job search?
  • Have any of you ever been to a community organization? If so, how was it?

Download the questions in PDF format

 Access the other web capsules