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Carrefour d’Hommes en Changement de Laval – CHOC

Tel : 450 975-2462

25, boulevard Lévesque Est, Laval (Québec) H7G 1B3

See on Google Maps

Acts in the prevention of domestic violence and suicide among men

Their services

Phone intervention

During this first contact, the counselor evaluates the level of destabilization (crisis) that led to the request for help and proceeds with the appropriate intervention based on the need.

Authorized follow-up

This is a service made available to family members and professionals who would like us to contact a man they are concerned about. With their consent, a counselor from CHOC will follow up with the man within 24 to 72 business hours to present our services.

Individual meeting, intake, and assessment

A preliminary step before the group service is an intake and assessment meeting. This meeting provides support and assistance to the man who has made the help request and determines whether it would be beneficial for him to participate in one of the available group programs. Some situations require more time, which is why we offer, if needed, one (1) to three (3) free individual meetings, aimed at identifying the most appropriate service for the man.

Waiting service

This service is a transitional step between the intake and assessment interview and access to the group program. It includes phone follow-ups and/or free individual meetings to ensure safety and offer occasional support during the waiting period.

Group service

Our group sessions typically start with 8 to 12 participants. Two counselors are assigned to each group, and the duration of the sessions, held once a week, ranges from 12 to 20 meetings.

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